Imagine sending your patients home with a virtual hearing aid aftercare assistant that helps them conveniently achieve their hearing aid goals and experience complete satisfaction -- while requiring fewer staff hours. Imagine if this virtual assistant was easier for your least tech-savvy patients to use than watching TV. You can achieve all this and much more with Curated Aftercare by Maudey® -- and best of all, the training and set up are very fast, easy and designed to energize overworked staff!
By viewing Maudey’s short curated videos, your patients will master the use and care of their hearing aids and learn important new communication strategies at their convenience. And you will track their progress and gain insights into their personal needs at your convenience.
Patients and their family members can use Maudey on their home TV for convenient group viewing of videos and extreme ease of navigation. Maudey also can be easily accessed on a laptop computer or tablet computer. And for patients who are more tech savvy and younger, Maudey can be used on their smart phone.
After you complete each hearing aid fitting, you will be able to enroll your patient in Maudey in less than 2 minutes. Back home, your patient will view a short training video then use Maudey to select their personal goals and start their enhanced hearing aid journey. They will save unnecessary office visits — and you will free up valuable time.
View this 3-minute video to learn more about Curated Aftercare by Maudey.
Maudey converts “patient-centered care” from a cliche into a reality. Maudey’s educational reinforcement and improved patient-provider communication empower your patients – so they are satisfied & loyal and benefit from their hearing aids daily.
Maudey’s educational videos and other content were designed by experts in health literacy and “human factors for the aging”. That’s why they are engaging and easy for all patients to understand – including older adults and others who are not tech-savvy.
Maudey begins helping your patients navigate their hearing aid journey immediately after their fitting – regardless of the brand and style of hearing aid. Maudey is HIPAA-compliant and your patients’ PHI will never be sold to a 3rd party.
Maudey, powered by the TELLYHealth® platform, has been awarded 3 US patents with a plethora of innovations that reflect its unique flexibility, ease of use and interactivity. Several additional US and international patents are pending.